Space Satellite Sensor
C468 for CMOS MSOC
12,000 pixels of PAN and 6,000 pixels of four Multi-spectral (B, G, R, NIR)
Extra high speed (0.3 ms / line integration time)
10 μm x 10 μm for PAN and 20 μm x 20 μm for Multi-spectral

Topographic Map of Taiwan, captured by our C468.
Focal Plane Array (Space Camera)
Pan : 12000 pixel, 10 μm pitch, @ 297 μs ± 5% integration time
MS (4 bands) : 6000 pixels, 20 μm pitch, @ 594 μs ± 5% integration time
Band to band registration error < 1 μm
Band to band flatness < 1 μm
Band to band peak elevation < 1 μm

SNR Requirements

C640 for 3D Terrain Mapping Camera ( TMC )
​4000 linear image sensor, PGA, 12 bit ADC output
Destructive / Non destructive readout mode
Global exposure control pin to control integration time
Low fixed pattern noise, high dynamic range
C650 for Hyper-Spectral Camera ( Hysl )
256 x 512 area sensor, PGA, 12 bit ADC output
50 μm x 50 μm pixel size
Snap shot function, up to 250 ms integration time
Row wise response compensation, dark voltage cancellation
< 1 % of the linearity

Moon Mission
